2024 Sponsor Commitment Form - 20 Under 40 Awards

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring this year's 20 Under 40 Awards! You will use the form below to enter the necessary information needed to register the sponsorship. This will capture information needed for us to move forward with billing, communication, and marketing.  

Once you have submitted the form, an invoice will be generated and a member of our event's team will contact you with additional sponsorship details. 

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Company Information

This information will appear on event materials exactly as entered here.

Enter your company website URL (If your company does not have a website, please enter your Facebook business page URL)

Enter your company's preferred Facebook business page URL.

Company Mailing Address

Sponsor Contact Information
Please enter information for the point of contact in the fields below. This person will be the main point of contact for all communications related to the event.

Event Sponsorship Information

Regional Visionary $2500
Community Pillar $1500
Area Advocate $1000
Local Supporter $500

To ensure that we are using the most up-to-date and preferred version of your company's logo for recognition in our event materials, please upload your company’s logo in either JPEG or PNG format. A transparent version is preferred.

20MB max