April 2022 Luncheon

April 2022 Luncheon
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (CDT)
Title: “Late Night” Luncheon with the ASU Small Business Development Center featuring stories of resiliency from local businesses.
Description: Join the ASU Small Business Development Center for their “Late Night” themed luncheon as they unveil their new logo and share several business success stories through an interactive speaker panel on stage.
Late Night Host: Julie Schniers
Julie's passion for relationship building, goal setting and communication has always been ingrained in her. However, the opportunity to bring those passions to life with her team of over 100 students she trained to communicate, and goal set their way to being nationally ranked was what showed her the true power of relationship building. After spending 13 years as a high school speech & debate coach, Julie saw a need that stretched outside of the four walls of her classroom. Today she speaks and consults about the power of Flipping Your Focus not just in the world of education, but in business and in life. She is also the Director of External Relations and Strategic Partnerships here at Angelo State University. Her goal is to make an impact in the world by helping make the hard parts of relationship building our heart parts.
Featured Guests:
- Charles Mullin, Cowboy Up Chocolates
- Angelina Osornio Torres, Jelly Nonprofit Consulting
- Jesse Browning, Buttercup All Day Café
Luncheon Sponsor

501 Rio Concho Drive
San Angelo, TX 76903 United States
Membership Luncheon