The WHIT Program

The WHIT Program
Family, Community & Civic Organizations Community Organizations
Foster kids have the lowest high school graduation rate of any group tracked by the Texas Education Agency. Lower than immigrant children, and lower than poor children. Foster kids graduate at a lower rate even than homeless children!
We want to give these kids, who already have to deal with so much, the best chance to overcome their circumstances. A high school diploma is a start.
We match foster children, mainly referred by Child Protective Services, with volunteer tutors. The tutors provide each foster child with an hour of tutoring each week in math and English. Our goal is to bring the foster kids up to grade level. That’s why our motto is, “Foster kids start out behind. We catch them up.”
We’re entirely privately funded. No tax dollars at all! We are also a 501 c (3), so donations are appreciated and fully tax deductible.
Despite the need, there is nothing like our program anywhere in the state of Texas. We’ve been so successful that CPS has approved us to expand statewide. We’re now working to bring our services to as many counties in the state as we can. We also, along with Angelo State University, were just awarded the Best Community Service in the Nation by the National Collegiate Honors Council.